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Nowe geopolityczne otwarcie zależy od Turcji - uważają Ormianie
Ewa Polak jest antropolożką polityki na terenach byłego ZSRR, badaczką terenową. Analityczka w Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation w Erywaniu. Czytać
Hasmik Grigoryan - Civil Society: A Core Component of Democratic Accountability
ACGRC Representative in Warsaw on 5-6 December 2013 took part at the Polish-German-Ukrainian 9th Forum organized by PAUCI. The Forum covered panels on current situation in Ukraine and the processes of the Eastern Partnership, the role of the EU and the US. The speakers were officials and representatives of the civil sector. The conference discussed the outputs of the Vilnius Summit and Eastern Partnership especially in case of Ukraine.
ACGRC Program manager Hasmik Grigoryan participated in European Diplomacy Workshop: Eastern Partnership 2013 in Warsaw organized by the European Academy of Diplomacy. The Workshop was dedicated to the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and brought together young leaders from EaP 6 countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and also from Japan, India, Russia, the US, Netherlands, Italy. The workshop covered topics on EU energy security, Eastern Partnership, EU-Russia relations, EU's foreign policy, frozen conflicts, diplomatic protocol, skills in negotiations, public speaking and leadership. The Workshop focused on political, economic and geopolitical aspects of the current issues and during the workshop the participants had a study visit to the European Commission Representation in Warsaw and had the graduation ceremony at the Embassy of Netherlands in Poland. At the same time the Workshop provided the young leaders with the practical skills necessary in multilateral, bilateral cooperation and in diplomacy.
Założony w 2002 roku, ACGRC (Analityczne Centrum do spraw Globalizacji i Regionalnej Współpracy) działa zarówno, jako think-tank, ale także, jako grupa interesu, której celem jest: promowanie demokratycznych wartości, wzmacnianie społeczeństwa obywatelskiego i rządów prawa w Armenii, rozwijanie wolnego rynku, integracji regionalnej oraz pokojowych postanowień dotyczących regionalnych konfliktów. ACGRC wspiera sektor publicznych reform oraz rozwój dobrych praktyk w lokalnym zarządzaniu, rozpowszechnia wiedzę dotyczącą kwestii prawnych, dostarcza eksperckie oceny i analizy na temat regionalnej współpracy, jak również wspiera inicjatywy, które przyczyniają się kształtowaniu atmosfery opartej na zaufaniu i stałego pokoju na Południowym Kaukazie. Do naszych badawczych zainteresowań zaliczamy: badania problemów związanych z globalizacją, badania procesów globalnych i ich wpływ na regionalną współpracę a także ochrona praw człowieka przy postępującej globalizacji.
Since 1 October 2013 ACGRC Research Fellow/Program Manager Hasmik Grigoryan is based in Warsaw (Poland). Ms. Grigoryan is representing ACGRC at international conferences and workshops organized in Warsaw.

- Article by MEP Leonidas Donskis: Seeking Safety and Security in an Unsafe and Insecure World READ
- Strategy paper of the association "Human Rights in Belarus" developed in view of the upcoming presidential elections in Belarus READ
ACGRC became a member of the Danish Development Research Network
ACGRC became a member of the Black Sea Research Network (BSRN). BSRN is an action-focused and multidisciplinary network of policy-oriented research institutes that develop research programmes on issues of importance to the political, social and economic development of the Black Sea region. It represents an innovative attempt to structure and coordinate a network of research institutes (and researchers) focusing on the wider Black Sea region. The Network is working under the patronage of the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (Greece).
Chairman of the Board of the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation Stepan Grigoryan took part in the Czech Television film Sore Spots of Southern Caucasus.
Petruška Šustrová is the script author and Martin Mahdal is cameraman and producer of the film.
ACGRC became a member of the Central and Eastern European Citizens Network (CEE CN). The network was created to provide opportunities for citizens' grassroots initiatives from CEE region to learn, exchange experiences and ideas as well as enhance their organisational growth through establishing and managing a partner relationship among themselves.